Thursday, December 5, 2019

How Butterfly Knife Overcomes Pocket Knife?

Butterfly knife and pocket knife are often compared with each other. Both are advanced types of knives and are used for daily carry. 

However, butterfly knife has overcome and replaced pocket knife

Users have adopted it as their main knife. I mean they are carrying this knife on a daily basis. It has all the features that a folding knife offers, and also provides some additional features. 

In this article, I will tell you how it is better than a fold-able pocket knife. 

Butterfly Knife is Powerful

Butterfly knife, also called balisong knife, is more powerful than any other knife. It does not have a fold-able blade. 

The blade is fixed and strong enough to cut any material. A folding knife has a fold-able blade. 

This fold-able blade lacks strength and power to cut harder materials. However, balisong has a blade that can’t be moved. Only its handles are moved not the blade. 

The handles are folded and the blade is concealed between them. Since fixed blades are more powerful, this knife has more power. 

Butterfly Knife Has Unique Features

There are some unique features in a butterfly knife and other knives such as pocket knife don’t possess these features. 

First of all, this knife has two handles. Have you seen a knife with two handles? Yes, this is only the characteristic of this special knife. 

No other knife has two handles. However, the knife has just one blade. This blade is concealed between the two handles. The handles are fold-able. 

They are folded to conceal the blade. Then, there is a locking mechanism that locks the blade. The safety lock ensures that the blade does not open itself. 

This makes this knife very easy to carry because it becomes a small stick when folded. You can easily carry it in your pocket. 

Butterfly Knife Serves Multiple Purposes

Butterfly knife, unlike pocket knife, can serve plenty of purposes. It is a great weapon for self defense. 

Also, it can be used for getting utility tasks done. 

You can carry it on a daily basis to do your cutting tasks with ease. Similarly, it is also used for learning and playing different tricks because it is easy for playing tricks.

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