Monday, November 26, 2018

The Italian Stiletto: Maintaining this Classy and Iconic Switchblade

One of the most effective switchblade knives is the stiletto knife. As indicated by the name, the stiletto knife was originally developed in Italy which is more like a sharp-edged blade. Typically, all sorts of pocket knives require much care and regular maintenance for the pocket knives are more likely to get affected and damaged by the outside factors, such as rust and moisture. 

If you own a stiletto knife and neglect to clean it regularly, there is the greater possibility that the mechanism of the stiletto knife might get affected adversely and it might stop opening and closing which will be nothing but a waste of your money.

Before you actively think about throwing away your stiletto knife; there are a couple of things you can do in order to fix it. Firstly, your stiletto knife needs to be cleaned regularly; which means that as the owner of the stiletto knife you need to develop the habit of taking out time regularly so you can keep the stiletto knife in its top position. 

In case you neglect caring for your switchblade, its opening and closing mechanism will get badly affected; for instance, you might push the button and find that nothing is happening. If you proceed to press the button, the blade might yet pop up; however, this won't work well in urgent and emergency situations when your life will be at stake. If you carry a stiletto knife as your EDC, you better make sure that it works effectively at all times.

Simple Products are Needed for Cleaning and Lubricating Stiletto Knife

There are two essential rules to be followed for the care and maintenance of your stiletto knife; the first rule refers to the development of the regular habit of cleaning your stiletto knife; whereas, the other rule refers to keeping the blade of your stiletto knife dry and free from rust and corrosion. 

Real simple products are required for the cleaning of your stiletto knife; most of the things you will have at your home; hence, no need to fret at the thought of running to your nearest market or superstore. All you need is a towel, a sharpening stone, a few drops of oil (olive oil will do the job as well), clean water (lukewarm), and mild soap. Refrain from using chemical substances and detergents for the cleaning of your stiletto knife.

How to Oil and Lubricate an Italian Stiletto Knife?

Never underestimate the power of oiling and lubricating when it comes to maintaining the efficacy and beauty of your Italian stiletto switchblade. Oiling a knife is no rocket science. Oiling your Italian stiletto knife regularly will definitely enhance the lifespan of your classic blade. All you ought to do is open the stiletto knife in order to take a look at the blade of the stiletto knife.

Near the base of the knife's blade, you will see a tiny hole; this is the spot where you ought to pour in few drops of oil. Subsequently, pour few drops of oil at the place of the knife brake as well. The last step of oiling or lubricating your stiletto knife involves moving the knife's blade up and down for some time i.e. 15 to 20 times at least.

Lastly, press the button or stud; you will be happy to see the blade popping out immediately. Oiling the stiletto knife will definitely increase the efficacy of your knife as well. The above-given steps are the basics of maintaining and lubricating switchblades including the stiletto knife that all knife enthusiasts ought to be aware of.

Read More:  A Comprehensive Guide to Cool Knives